Users Handbook
- Intro & Basics
- All Objects have Descriptions
- Check for unused procedures
- Compiled Procedures up to date
- Invalid Source Layers
- Required Columns
- Check for abnormally ended Jobs
- Check for blocked Jobs
- Check for disabled Tasks
- Check for duplicate tasks in different Jobs
- Check for duplicate tasks in same Job
Administrators Handbook
- Register URL
- Configure SSL/HTTPS
- Configure Proxy-Server
- How to edit the appsettings.json file
- System Settings
- Global Parameters
- Allow Service Account to Logon as a Service
- LDAP & SSO Authentication
- Migrating Testcases and Configuration
- Licenses Management
- Manual Configuration
- Exposing the BiG EVAL REST API to other Network Segments
- Articles coming soon
Developers Handbook
Known Problems
Demo Virtual Machine
Release Notes
What are Probes?
- Home
- Users Handbook
- Testcases
- Probes
- What are Probes?
BiG EVALs testcases are based on a simple three-step concept. The first step is about taking one or multiple probes from datasources.

Probes are pieces of data in different shapes. They can either be a scalar value, a list or a full dataset with multiple rows and columns. The datasource-queries’ results can be shaped by extraction-methods.
The probes are the input for the validation-algorithms (testmethods) and are either to be checked by the algorithm (e.g. comparing multiple probes against each other), or they control the algorithm (e.g. iterating through a list of sales-teritories to run the testcase once for each of them).
The probes of a testcase are defined within the Probes-register in the testcase-editor.
Table of Contents