Get scoped Testresult Stats

This API resource allows you to get statistics about the testresults of either a single test or for multiple tests of a suite.


BiG EVAL is able to run a standalone test or multiple tests of a suite at once when you push the play-button or you use an automated way to start a test run. This process is called a “run” and the run-object serves as a container for all testresults that were collected during the run.

Each run-object has a scope-attribute, that allows to separate runs that were created when executing a single test from runs that were created when executing multiple tests of a suite.

  • Scope 2 = Run was created for a single test.
  • Scope 3 = Run was created for a suite.

Which suite or test was executed, is stored in the scopeIdentifier-attribute of the run-object.




The following request returns statistics about the last five runs of the suite with the ID 3./api/v1/default/statistics/testresultsscoped?runScope=3&runScopeIdentifier=3&skip=0&take=5




Following are the parameters used in the URL or the QueryString showed by a placeholder with curly brackets. Replace the full parameter with the actual value including the curly brackets.

runScopeDefine either the number 2 for a run of a single test or the number 3 for a run of a suite.
runScopeIdentifierDepending on the value of the runScope-parameter, you define the ID of the test or the suite whose stats should be returned.
skipThe amount of stats that should be skipped in the response. E.g. a value of 3 means that the stats of the last three runs will not be returned.
takeThe amount of stats that should be returned in the response.


AuthorizationThe Access-Token as explained in Authentication.


not needed


    "status": "OK",
    "items": [
            "runId": 10386,
            "timestamp": "2018-09-10T07:42:27.0129498",
            "status": "FINISHED",
            "runScopeId": 3,
            "runScopeName": "30 - Scripting",
            "succeededCount": 37,
            "failedCount": 1,
            "exceptionsCount": 0,
            "notEnoughProbesCount": 0,
            "differentDimensionalityCount": 0,
            "notEvaluatedCount": 0,
            "executingCount": 0,
            "totalCount": 38
    "total": 8,
    "skip": 0,
    "take": 1,
    "totalUnscoped": 41
statusStringReturns the status of the API request. OK means that the request could be completed successfully.
totalInt64The amount of records available within the filtered scope.
skipInt32The amount of records that were skipped to present the response.
takeInt32The amount of records that were returned in the result.
totalUnscopedInt64The amount of records available without filtering on a specific scope.

The items-Array contains as many statistics elements as requested by the take-parameter. Each element has the following attributes.

runIdInt64The ID of the run whose statistics follow.
timestampDateTimeThe point in time when the last status of the run was saved.
statusStringThe current status of the run. The possible values are “FINISHED” or “RUNNING”.
runScopeIdInt322 = When a run was executed for a single test only; 3 = When a run was executed for a suite.
runScopeNameStringThe name of either the test or the suite depending on the requested run scope.
succeededCountInt32The amount of tests that passed the testing conditions.
failedCountInt32The amount of tests that didn’t pass the testing conditions.
exceptionsCountInt32The amount of tests that reported an exception.
notEnoughProbesCountInt32The amount of tests that had not enough probes to be executed. Depending on the testmethod, a test needs a specific or a minimum amount of probes to run. For example: Comparing data needs at least two probes. Otherwise it fails.
differentDimensionalityCountInt32The amount of tests that failed due to probes with different dimensionality. This usually happens when a data-comparison is configured wrong.
notEvaluatedCountInt32The amount of tests that couldn’t be evaluated for any other reason.
executingCountInt32The amount of tests that are actually in executing state. So these are not finished yet.
totalCountInt32The total amount of tests run within the run.

Example: PowerShell

# The base-url of the BiG EVAL API and instance.
$bigevalUrl = "https://mybigevalserver/"
$baseUrl = $bigevalUrl+"api/v1/default/"

# Note that you need to request the AccessToken first. We do not show that in this example.
$accessToken = "123123123"

$currentResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($baseUrl + "statistics/testresultsscoped?runScope=3&runScopeIdentifier=3&skip=0&take=1") -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $accessToken"}

# Store the last result stats in a variable for easier access.        
$currentResult = $currentResponse.items[0]

# Write some statistics to the console
Write-Host ("Run-ID:           " + $currentResult.runId)
Write-Host ("Status:           " + $currentResult.status)
Write-Host ("Tests run:        " + $currentResult.totalCount)
Write-Host ("Tests succeeded:  " + $currentResult.succeededCount)
Write-Host ("Tests failed:     " + $currentResult.failedCount)
Write-Host ("Tests excepted:   " + $currentResult.exceptionsCount)
Write-Host ("Success-Rate:     " + ($currentResult.succeededCount / $currentResult.totalCount * 100) + "%")
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