Features that Turn Ordinary Data into Trustful Data
All BiG EVAL software editions offer a comprehensive range of functionalities aimed at analyzing and monitoring your enterprise data efficiently and securely for any flaws and glitches.

Validate and plausibilize Data
BiG EVAL offers several options to easily validate and check the plausibility of data from all sources, regardless of the technology.
Find erroneous, missing or duplicated data as well as errors in attributes that were transformed incorrect.
Business RULES
BiG EVAL checks data against your very own and scenario specific quality criteria. See also our blog post on data driven decision making.
Best practices TESTCASES
Validate data and its historical development or distribution among groups as well as business keys, objects, attributes and much more.
Userdefined testcases
The comprehensive but easy to use scripting language of BiG EVAL gives you a great flexibility when you need your own testing algorithms.
End to End Data Pipeline Validation
BiG EVAL offers several options to easily validate and check the plausibility of data from all sources, regardless of the technology.

Consistency and Plausibility Validation
BiG EVAL not only checks whether data "looks" right but also whether it "is" right and plausible.

Make the first step and get to know BiG EVAL!
Supported Datasources
BiG EVAL supports a variety of data sources and technologies within your test cases and quality checks.
Data Bases

SQL Server



Azure SQL Data Warehouse


Data Lake
Data Analytics & Reporting

Analysis Services

OLAP Cubes

Power BI
Applications & Cloud Services

Microsoft Dynamics 365


Microsoft Excel
Cleanse data
Solve your data quality issues right at the source by cleaning your data. BiG EVAL helps you with a lot of efficient features.
ISSUE tickets
BiG EVAL creates an issue ticket and informs responsible persons right when it detects a data quality problem. The issue tracking starts and allows ongoing analysis and monitoring of the problem.

Assign quality issues to responsible persons from the IT or Business departments and monitor the progress of the problem resolution process.

Optimized workflows support your team in solving quality issues that cannot be solved automatically.

Documenting the steps that lead to the problem resolution can be done right in BiG EVAL. That leads to a revision-save tracing path and helps you to reproduce every step taken.

The most successful Data Teams run BiG EVAL:

Same-day productivity
Best Practices templates from our gallery guarantee success on the very first day.
Hundreds of ready-to-use test cases and templates kick-start your testing and quality assurance. Download, configure and use them immediately.