Migrating Testcases and Configuration

You can transfer your testcases and the system-configuration from one BiG EVAL installation to the other using the Migration-feature.

The migration feature exports all testcase-definitions and configurations into a testpackage that is in fact a JSON-file. You can then import that JSON-file into another BiG EVAL instance. This concept allows to transfer the configuration between physically separated environments.

Exporting a Testpackage

  1. Open “System” -> “Migration” in the main navigation.
  2. Click on “Export Testpackage”.
  3. Save the Testpackage on your machine.

Importing a Testpackage

  1. Open “System” -> “Migration” in the main navigation.
  2. Click on “Import Testpackage”.
  3. Choose the Testpackage-file from your machine.
  4. BiG EVAL checks the testpackage for compatibility and changes compared to the actual testdefinitions and configurations of the current BiG EVAL instance. A list of changes will be displayed.
  5. Carefully check the changes that would be made. They cannot be undone!
  6. Click on “Start Import” to perform the changes.
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