Users Handbook
- Intro & Basics
- All Objects have Descriptions
- Check for unused procedures
- Compiled Procedures up to date
- Invalid Source Layers
- Required Columns
- Check for abnormally ended Jobs
- Check for blocked Jobs
- Check for disabled Tasks
- Check for duplicate tasks in different Jobs
- Check for duplicate tasks in same Job
Administrators Handbook
- Register URL
- Configure SSL/HTTPS
- Configure Proxy-Server
- How to edit the appsettings.json file
- System Settings
- Global Parameters
- Allow Service Account to Logon as a Service
- LDAP & SSO Authentication
- Migrating Testcases and Configuration
- Licenses Management
- Manual Configuration
- Exposing the BiG EVAL REST API to other Network Segments
- Articles coming soon
Developers Handbook
Known Problems
Demo Virtual Machine
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Rules Examples
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- Rules
- Rules Examples
Check whether a text-field contains a value
The following expression checks whether the Firstname-field contains a value.
Check whether the birth-year is greater than 1970
The following expression checks whether the Birth-year of an employee is greater than 1970 using the functions of the System.DateTime .NET type.
=Data("BirthDate").DateTime.Year > 1970
Check whether a numeric value is within a specific range
The following expression checks whether the VacationDays field is within a range of at least 0 and at maximum 50 days.
=Data("VacationDays").Integer >= 0 && Data("VacationDays").Integer <= 50
Check whether a numeric value exceeds a specific level
The following expression checks whether the VacationDays-field exceeds 100.
=Data("VacationDays").Integer > 100
Check whether a text-field contains a valid value (Expression-Syntax)
The following expression checks whether the Gender-field only contains the values “M” or “F”.
=Data("Gender").String == "M" || Data("Gender").String == "F"
Check whether a text-field contains a valid value (Script-Syntax)
This script does the same as the previous expression. It checks whether the Gender-field only contains the values “M” or “F”. But this time it uses the script-language what allows to split the code into smaller pieces. This makes the code more easier and understandable.
var gender = Data("Gender").String; var allowedValues = new List() { "M", "F" }; return allowedValues.Contains(gender);
Complex validation logic
The following script calculates the age of an employee using the Birthdate-field. It then checks whether the employee has got the right amount of Vacation-days depending on the age.
var age = DateTime.Today.Year - Data("BirthDate").DateTime.Year; var actualVacationDays = (double)Data("VacationHours").Decimal / 8.5; var availableVacationDays = 0; if (age >= 25) { availableVacationDays = 25; } else { availableVacationDays = 20; } return actualVacationDays == availableVacationDays;