KB#428 – Navigation Menu doesn’t appear


The main navigation menu on the left side (and somtimes other UI elements) doesn’t appear after login. Even after refreshing the browser, it persists hidden.


In rarely cases it happens that a user-setting gets stored twice in the BiG EVAL database. This leads to inconsistencies in the user interface. Ultimately, the user interface is not able to load the main navigation menu.


This problem is solved by removing all duplicated user settings from the BiG EVAL database. This can be done a) manually by editing the UserSettings-table, or b) by dropping all records of the UserSettings-table.

Option b) is easier to do, but comes with losing all user settings. The user settings only store things like the visibility of the training resources on the Overview dashboard or also the last selected main menu item. Therefore, no important things would be lost when choosing option b).

Option A)

  1. Use a tool like SQL Server Management Studio to edit the records of the table dbo.UserSettings within the BiGeval database.
  2. Identify all duplicated records by the combined key UserId and Key.
  3. Delete all duplicated records.
  4. Restart the BiG EVAL Windows Service

Option B)

  1. Use a tool like SQL Server Management Studio to run the following query against the BiGeval database.
DELETE FROM [dbo].[UserSettings]

2. Restart the BiG EVAL Windows Service

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