Templates & Packages Overview

Availability: since Release 2.8.0

BiG EVAL partners and BiG EVAL itself provide a variety of test case templates or other BiG EVAL artefacts which can be loaded into your BiG EVAL environment. This allows you to easily create best practices test cases proofed by the BiG EVAL community.


Templates are provided within so called Packages that you install in BiG EVAL. Packages can be downloaded directly from the BiG EVAL Gallery (https://gallery.bigeval.com) or are provided by your BiG EVAL partner or by the BiG EVAL support team. Some of the packages need to be licensed and some are free. Just discover them in the BiG EVAL gallery.

Templates and how to use them

Most packages you install in BiG EVAL, consist of several Test Case Templates. These are then available in a package specific test suite and are displayed in pale blue instead of a dark blue. You can’t modify templates and they cannot be directly run. But you can duplicate the template what results in a regular test case wich can be used in your test automation.

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