Data Test Automation
Test Automation for BI, DWH and all other data driven development projects.

A testing tool for every
data centric project
Accelerate data testing for data warehouse, business intelligence and data science projects.
BiG EVAL is a light weight software solution dedicated to test automation within a data oriented project:
100% automated Testcoverage
Test your BI system or data warehouse systematically and completely and not only randomly by automating your testcases.

Quality Gates in CI/CD
BiG EVAL automates your testing processes within all phases of your continuous delivery process and ensures - using quality gates - that only verified system components can be deployed.

Validate and plausibilize Data
BiG EVAL provides several options to validate and plausibilize data.
Find erroneous, missing or duplicated data as well as errors in attributes that were transformed incorrect.
Business RULES
BiG EVAL checks data against your very own and scenario specific quality criteria. See also our blog post on data driven decision making.
Best practices TESTCASES
Validate data and its historical development or distribution among groups as well as business keys, objects, attributes and much more.
Userdefined testcases
The comprehensive but easy to use scripting language of BiG EVAL gives you a great flexibility when you need your own testing algorithms.

Same-day productivity
Best Practices templates provided out of the box or in our gallery guarantee success on the very first day.
Hundreds of ready-to-use test cases and templates kick-start your testing and quality assurance. Download, configure and use them immediately.
How it works
BiG EVAL reads your corporate data




Automated validation against your quality criteria

Findings and alerting on data quality issues

Supported Datasources
BiG EVAL supports a variety of data sources and technologies within your test cases and quality checks.
Data Bases

SQL Server



Azure SQL Data Warehouse


Data Lake
Data Analytics & Reporting

Analysis Services

OLAP Cubes

Power BI
Applications & Cloud Services

Microsoft Dynamics 365


Microsoft Excel
Make the first step and get to know BiG EVAL!