Test Automation as part of
Business Intelligence Migration Project

When the life insurance company Swiss Life AG migrated its data warehouse from Oracle and SAP technology to Microsoft technology in the private cloud, they began to look for efficient and easy-to-use test automation. To ensure the quality of the newly implemented system components and migrated data during and after the project, Swiss Life AG turned to the test and data quality suite BiG EVAL.
Challenges of the Agile Migration Project
As part Swiss Life AG’s product life cycles for private clients, they decided to move away from SAP Business Objects Systems and Oracle Data Warehouses toward a business intelligence system built on Microsoft products.
One of the important concerns of the project management was a high and stable level of data quality, and that the key indicators provided by the old system were identical and correct in the new system as well.
The agile project method they used required consistent automation of test processes in order to maintain the schedule of short release cycles.
A Flexible Solution
The BiG EVAL software proved to be the ideal instrument for test automation in the evaluation and a proofof-concept project. The product’s methods for comparing data from different data technology sources were an important tool because it was essential to compare the old and new BI systems in the testing. BiG EVAL’s flexibility for expanding was an additional point in its favor, allowing for the software to be integrated in other areas and departments.
Seamless Integration into Business Operations
One of the unique advantages of BiG EVAL is the fact that it can be used for quality control in the course of normal day-to-day business operations. Swiss Life AG’s investment in BiG EVAL can continue to be a constant asset even after the migration project. Hundreds of tests are now being conducted fully automatically and in the background, ensuring that the data in the BI system meets quality assurance criteria. When it detects a problem, BiG EVAL alerts the company’s IT workers so they can fix any issues before they are encountered by users or able to have a negative impact on the operations of Swiss Life AG.
About Swiss Life AG
The Swiss Life Group is a leading European provider of comprehensive pension and financial solutions. Through its own agents as well as distribution partners such as brokers and banks, Swiss Life offers comprehensive individualized advice and a broad selection of proprietary and partner products to its private customers and corporate clients in its core markets of Switzerland, France and Germany.